Do I need a license to organize a conference? Necessary procedures

What documents do I need to prepare when I want to apply for a license to organize a conference? And which agency must I go to to submit this application? Let’s join HoaBinh Events to find out the necessary paperwork information right now.

Do I need a license to organize a conference?

Organizing a conference is simply understood as creating an appointment to meet a group of people who share the same passion or knowledge about a certain area of information. Here, everyone will exchange ideas and discuss a certain issue or topic raised in the seminar. Conferences will often be two-way interactions between the speaker and the attendees.

Currently, there are many types of conferences being implemented. Some commonly seen types of seminars organized include experience-sharing seminars, product launch seminars, specialized seminars, etc. Each type will meet and approach a different type of seminar. private object.

According to current regulations of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, every agency, department, and business that wants to organize any event needs clear written approval to do so. Therefore, agencies and departments need to carefully research the timing and licensing procedures before the workshop to be able to obtain a license before the activity takes place.

Nowadays, there are many conferences and seminars that take place but are then canceled due to issues related to organizational licensing. This greatly affects the conference event schedule. In addition to cases of forgetting to apply for a permit, there are businesses and organizations that are struggling to know how to apply for a permit. It’s all due to the shortcomings, slow work, and lack of careful understanding of the law by the organizers.

Therefore, nowadays, many organizers often turn to professional conference and event organizing companies for advice, guidance, and help with these steps to have a successful conference.

Procedures for applying for a license to organize a conference are required

The state has issued many clear regulations on procedural steps in applying for a license to organize a workshop according to each type of workshop, scale of organization, purpose of organization, and the leader of the workshop. Accordingly, each type of workshop will require different licensing documents as well as implementation steps.

Licensing authority for organizing seminars

As mentioned above, each organized conference will have a different format and field of exchange. And for each type of conference, there will be a different organizing agency responsible for censorship. Based on issued legal documents such as Decree 103/2009/ND-CP, 01/2012/ND-CP, 79/2012/ND-CP and Decision 76/2010/QD-TTg, it can be summarized An overview of the authority to grant permission to organize seminars is as follows:

Prime Minister

For high-level international conferences and seminars at which attendees include representatives of many countries, territories, and international organizations with positions equivalent to Ministers or higher, or Conferences and seminars are opened to discuss important issues of the country, such as security, defense, religion, etc., or national security issues that will be personally received and approved by the Prime Minister if they meet organizational standards.

Relevant Departments and Ministries

Depending on the issues discussed at the seminar and summit, the organization license application will be forwarded to the corresponding departments. Typically, the Department of Performing Arts, the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Information and Communications, etc. will be the receiving points for these licensing documents.

Note that this is only the reception point for macro conferences and seminars with the participation of departments, unions, or foreign participants.

Provincial People’s Committee and relevant Departments and branches

For domestic conference and seminar events without foreign elements, based on the content and field of the conference as well as the regulations of each locality, there will be an agency that directly receives and processes the conference. handle these documents. It could be the Provincial People’s Committee or higher than the relevant departments.

Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, or Department of Culture and Sports

If these are conference or seminar events organized by the Theater, Performing Arts Troupe, Cultural and Sports Center, or local cultural, artistic, or television agency, the approval authority will now be transferred to the Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism.

Provincial People’s Committee

If this is a seminar or conference event program organized by agencies, individuals, or groups that are invited from abroad and will perform locally, then it is the organization that sends the invitation. You will need to contact the Provincial People’s Committee to apply for a permit for the conference or seminar to take place.

Application for a license to organize a workshop

Compiling information from the provisions of the law proposed by the state, documents to carry out procedures for applying for a license to organize conferences and seminars will normally include the following documents:

  • Legal documents certifying the legal status of the agency, enterprise, or organization organizing the seminar or conference: The event organizer needs to prepare a copy of the business registration certificate. Decide to establish a business if the organizing unit is an enterprise. As for leading organizations, it is necessary to prepare a copy of the Certificate of Establishment.
  • Application for a license to organize a seminar.
  • Copies of documents related to the program: script, guest list, implementation content, workshop plan, etc.
  • Copies of documents related to the conference location and the customer’s authorization letter for the event organizer (if any).

Above are the basic documents that every conference permit application needs to prepare. Depending on the field of the conference, other appropriate related documents will be needed.

Procedures for applying for a license to organize a conference

The steps to apply for a license to organize a conference will normally include the following:

  • Prepare a complete application with the necessary documents. In addition to the basic documents, there will be other accompanying documents depending on the content of the workshop taking place.
  • Submit documents to competent receiving agencies for licensing: After making sure that your documents are complete and in accordance with regulations, send them to the appropriate agency level. Currently, there are many ways to send documents, such as:
  • Go to the competent authority to submit
  • Send by post if the competent authority accepts this form.
  • Submit online on the website of the competent authority
  • Competent authority reviews and evaluates dossiers and decides to grant licenses:
  • After receiving the submitted dossier, the competent authorities will have to review it within the prescribed time frame (usually 7–14 days). If the application lacks documents, the competent authorities need to notify the agency or organization requesting the document and make adjustments and supplements to make it valid.
  • When confirming that the received application is compatible, the competent authority will carefully review the content of the license application in all aspects and issue a license to organize a seminar for the agency organization. If the license is not approved, the competent authority needs to notify the requesting party of the results and reasons.
  • In cases of necessity, the competent authority can propose a request to participate in the program review or seek opinions from higher-level leaders before making a final conclusion on whether to issue a permit or not.

HoaBinh Events – Professional conference organization company

HoaBinh Events is always proud to be one of the most prestigious and professional event organizers and to have the best feedback from customers who have experienced the service. We are proud to have a team of well-trained and experienced personnel who have implemented many programs for hundreds of large and small customers and partners. We are always committed to bringing you the most successful conference organization plan at the most optimal cost. Coming to us, you can get:

  • Enthusiastic advice from a team of creative and professional staff with rich experience in the field of conference organization
  • Use modern sound and lighting systems, keeping up with global trends.
  • Work according to procedures and ensure to always closely follow the event before, during, and after it.
  • Support survey, design and construction of full-package workshops, meeting all requirements from customers
  • Ready to support customer consulting 24/7.

Above is the information about applying for a license to organize a conference, as well as what you need to do to get this license that we sent to you. Hopefully these shares will be helpful to you, helping you minimize work during the conference organization process. For further information, please contact HoaBinh Events via hotlines: 0913.311.911 – 0939.311.911 for 24/7 advice and support.